Altar Servers - Our parish encourages our young parishioners to assist our parish priest during weekend and school Masses. Both boys and girls participate in this important service.
Sacristan - The Sacristan ensures that the Bread & Wine, Altar Linen, Altar Vessels, etc are carefully arranged ready for the celebration of Mass.
Altar Linen - Several parishioners launder the church linen each week in both our churches in Yeppoon and Emu Park. They are listed on our church rosters.
Church Vessels - Also included on church roster are the volunteers who clean the brassware and church vessels each week.
Church Cleaners - Cleaning of our churches is done weekly. There are several teams that carry out this important duty each week.
Offertory Procession - The offertory procession is often carried out by parish families along with other volunteers and those who take up the collection.