The newly installed columbarium has been a major project of the parish and you may have noticed in recent weeks the area is now ready for use. Soon additional works will continue such as a garden. This project started some time ago and was driven from the combined efforts of the Capricorn Coast Catholic Community. The columbarium allows for up to 100 spaces as well as two memorial sections.
To preserve uniformity of the columbarium, the plaques for the niches and the memorial plaques shall be of a standard form, design, and dimension. For further information or to reserve either a memorial plaque or a niche please contact the Parish Office. Our columbarium is situated in a well maintained area adjoining the church
How to apply for a Memorial or Niche
The information available via this website will assist you to review the procedure and policies as well as applications for both immediate use and reservation of niches. Complete an appropriate application form (see above) and forward to the Parish office. Capricorn Coast Catholic Parish "Columbarium" PO BOX 64, YEPPOON Q 4703 |