The Church has always said “Every person not yet baptised and only such a person is able to be baptised”, therefore, all families in the Parish are welcome to present their child for Baptism. Parents, as the first teachers of their children in all matters, need to give assurance that they will raise their children, with the support of the Sponsors, in the Catholic Faith. Baptisms are held on the 4th Sunday of the month at Sacred Heart Church, Yeppoon, or the 2nd Saturday of the month at Mary Immaculate Church, Emu Park. If the child to be baptised lives outside of the Capricorn Coast Parish community, a letter from their local Parish would be required to authorise the Baptism to take place outside of their Parish. Fr Matthew's approval would also be required once the Baptism details form is completed and returned to the Parish office. Families requesting Baptisms are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation session prior to the child's Baptism. Please see the Parish Office for details. |
The wedding ceremony is the formal occasion where you declare your love and exchange your vows before the community. The ceremony comprises Scripture readings, prayers, blessings and songs. The Priest will help you to prepare a wedding ceremony that reflects your unique journey as a couple supported by your family, friends and parish community. The Capricorn Coast Catholic Parish welcomes couples who share different faiths and congratulate them on their decision to begin their journey of marriage in the Catholic Church. |
For 2025, The Capricorn Coast Catholic Parish will be using the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as we prepare children to celebrate the sacraments of initiation. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is grounded in scripture and the liturgy of the Church. The Parish will run a 10 week program to prepare your children in readiness to recieve the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Children of catechetical age who have not been baptised may also participate in these sacramental preparations, as well as sessions particular to the preparation for baptism. This will be a committment that reflects the importance and sacredness of the sacraments that they are getting ready to receive. The Sacraments will be celebrated with Bishop Michael McCarthy at Sacred Heart Church and all meetings will be at Sacred Heart Church. We look forward to sharing this faith journey with you. |
If you wish to arrange a Funeral at one of the churches in our parish, once you have contacted & met with your Funeral Director please phone the Parish Office on 07 4933 6171. If there is no answer, please leave a message with your name and phone number and we will return your call as soon as possible. To assist you with the planning of the funeral please download the Funeral Planning Sheet. |